A couple of nights ago,I was greeted with a scene that, had it happened in the US, would have left me more than a little panicked. I had gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the latrine (which is outside, of course), and when I gt ouside, litterally the enitre ground was covered with cockaroches. There were hundreds of them, just covering the ground and all over the inside of the latrine as well. Considering that until that moment I had only seen one or 2 at a time here, I was rather taken aback, but somehow it wasn't quite as shocking as I would have expected. I asked my host-sister about it the next day and she said they had put poison out, so they were all dead by morning, but they were cretainly very much alive when I went out... Other than that, things qre going well here. I went to the marché with one of my other host-sisters on saturday, and bought a pagne and another good bit of fabric, which I al getting madeinto a shirt and a couple of skirts (all for about 10 US dollars. Class is long, but I'm sure it will all be proven useful whe I get to post... speaking of which, I'll find out where I'll be posted for the next 2 years sometime this week, so wish me luck...

a bunch of TEFL stagaires at a buvette
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