We've been back in Lokossa for week or so, and have started our model school - basically a free school for stuents so we can practice teaching before we go to post. And I have to say, I am actually liking teaching so far, which is a relief, since if I didn't, I'd be in for a very long couple of years... The classes here are nothing like in the states, though, for example, I have about 50 kids in my class, and somehow it actually works. I'm not saying that kids here are that different from in the US, but put 50 American kids in one class - say about 6th grade, and keep them there for 3 hours teaching one subject, and you would have anarchy. I think. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I just don't see it happening Well, I've got to go, since I have class in a few minutes, but as I'm sure you can tell, my picture didn't load again, so you'll just have to wait to read some more bad English (or just reread some of my entries where I was particularly sloppy with my grammar). - As you can see, I got a few more pictures up, so no more problem....
This, by the way, is from our trip to Ouidah, the home of an infamous slave fort and a center for Voodoo> This is me in the python temple.... I was a wee bit terrified, but I have survived.
