It meant that at least for that one day I didn't have to explain exactly where it was I was going. I have gotten quite used to saying,"Benin, it's in Africa, between Nigeria and Togo."
I have basically been spending my time the past couple weeks wrapping up stuff here and getting ready to leave, trying not to over-pack (the limit is 80 pounds of checked baggage, which is really not all that much), from what I can tell from other volunteers' blogs, it seems like most people worry too much about packing, so I'm sure I'll be fine with what I've gotten together. Oh, for anyone who was wondering, I am now officially done working at Subway. (No, not like the last time I was officially done. this time is for real. I swear!)
My plan for the next three days is really just to take it easy and make sure I'm not forgetting stuff. Last time I went abroad, I got really sick immediately because I had crammed way to much in before leaving, so I really am going to try and take it easy and get enough sleep and all, so I can at least get off to a good start. We'll see.
Once my trip actually gets going, I plan on posting up pictures, to make things more interesting, but I don't know how often I'll have internet access, so we'll see how all this works out...
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