I'm heading back to Fo-Boure tomorrow (after trying to catch a bit of the sox game on the internet...), but I'm sure people are a bit curious about where I live and all that, so, here are some pictures of my town, and other volunteers. Hopefully this will give you all a little better of an idea of where I'm living. I think it really is quite beautiful, even if it is isolated. Actually, the isolation probably helps maintain the landscape of my village. Well, I'll be at post for the next six weeks, working away, molding young minds (no worries, they've already got the boston slang down pat. Here is an example dialogue I taught.
Teacher: Good afternoon class.
Class: Good afternoon, Madame.
Teacher: How is the weather today?
Class: It is wicked hot out today.
Teacher: How 'bout them Sox?
Class: It ain't ovah til it's ovah.
Teacher: What else?
Class: Big Pappi is a god.
so, as you can see, I am keeping busy. Later!

This is my school, in lovely Fo-Boure... though to be fair, when the students "cleaned" up the school yeard, all this lovely green went away, to be replaced by dirt.

This is my humble home, though this was taken on my post visit, so there is now a shower in the front, on the porch.

The Porte de Non Retour, at Ouidah, which is a memorial to those whoe were taken away via the slave trade. I think it is maintained by Unesco. It is actually really an impressive site when you come down to it, following the route the slaves had to walk to the sea.

Me and two of my host sisters, Nellie and Ariane. And this, is my swear-in outfit. It is a traditional outfit called a Boumba. And yes, those are lamps. Our whole group had to be in matching tissue for the ceremony, adn this is what we chose.

The whole TEFL group, all dressed up for swear-in.

So, for all of you who though the Peace Corps was somewhat exclusive....this is our entire group of guys for the 2007 newbies... the night before swear-in.

Well, it is the rainy season...(view from my porch)

The next house over from mine...

A few of the locals...

There's just something about the skies here. The sunsets and the night skies are absolutely breathtaking - this picture does not do it justice.